WAYLI跨境早间新闻简讯:12月11日跨境热点话题集发表时间:2023-12-11 14:18 l 亚马逊美国站多渠道配送费用更新! AMZ123获悉,12月7日,亚马逊美国站发布公告称,自2024年2月5日起,多渠道配送 (MCF) 费用将出现上调。总体而言,亚马逊美国站多渠道配送费用平均将提高3.5%。亚马逊表示,这一变化仍低于其他承运商宣布的 5.9% 的平均涨幅。不过,对于配送重量低于1磅的商品,如果采用标准运输,其多渠道配送费用将保持不变或略低于当前的费用。亚马逊为多渠道配送提供三种运输选项:标准(3-5个工作日);加急(2个工作日);优先级(第二天)。
l 2024年全球流行趋势预测报告出炉 全球灵感平台Pinterest于12月6日发布了2024年流行趋势预测报告。该报告分析了平台4.8亿用户的使用行为及搜索记录等,复盘了2023年热搜热度最高的关键词,并揭示了2024年将继续获得关注的趋势,覆盖美容、时尚、家居、爱好和兴趣、育儿等领域。Pinterest称,过去4年他们的趋势预测中有十分之八已经得到验证,即准确率高达80%。
l 亚马逊请求驳回美国联邦贸易委员会反垄断诉讼 12月10日消息,据报道,亚马逊的律师于当地时间周五向联邦法官提出请求,驳回此前联邦贸易委员会对其提起的反垄断诉讼,并称该机构正在攻击“有利于消费者和竞争的政策”。
l 亚马逊推出无品牌商品新政策 12月9日消息,亚马逊全球开店发布消息称,为了改善销售无品牌商品卖家的体验,亚马逊近期推出无品牌商品新政策,将有效制止部分恶意操作,让无品牌商品的卖家,也能受到商品详情页面的保护措施。
l 亚马逊CEO:与SHEIN既是对手也是伙伴,我们公平竞争 12月8日消息,亚马逊首席执行官安迪·贾西(Andy Jassy)在日前接受了CNBC的采访。在采访中,提及prime官司事件,贾西表明了自己的态度。他声明,Prime订阅费只占亚马逊总价值的一小部分,对Prime客户来说真正有用的是,他们可以获得快速、免费、无限制的送货服务,并且可以在亚马逊上使用它。 出处:电商报,https://www.dsb.cn/234275.html l Amazon asks judge to dismiss FTC lawsuit, says no consumer harm shown(亚马逊要求法官驳回联邦贸易委员会诉讼,称没有显示消费者受到伤害) WASHINGTON, Dec 8 (Reuters) - Amazon.com asked a federal court on Friday to dismiss a U.S. government antitrust lawsuit which accuses the company of using illegal strategies to boost profits at its online retail empire, including an algorithm that allegedly pushed up prices by more than $1 billion.In its motion to dismiss, Amazon said the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, in a lawsuit filed in September, confused "common retail practices" with anticompetitive conduct and failed to identify harm to consumers. (路透华盛顿12月8日 - 亚马逊周五要求联邦法院驳回美国政府的反垄断诉讼,该诉讼指控该公司使用非法策略来提高其在线零售帝国的利润,其中包括据称推高价格的算法超过10亿美元。亚马逊在驳回动议中表示,美国联邦贸易委员会在9 月份提起的诉讼中将“常见零售做法”与反竞争行为混为一谈,并且未能确定对消费者造成的损害。)
出处:REUTERS,https://www.reuters.com/legal/amazon-asks-judge-dismiss-ftc-lawsuit-says-no-consumer-harm-shown-2023-12-08/ l Amazon Suit Claims International Ring Stole Millions in Fraudulent Refunds(亚马逊起诉 International Ring 窃取数百万美元的欺诈性退款) Amazon has accused an international organization, including customers and several former employees, of conspiring to steal millions of dollars in online products through fraudulent refunds.In a lawsuit filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Seattle, the online retailer accused the group, called REKK, of perpetrating the fraud between June 2022 and May 2023. (亚马逊指控一个国际组织,包括客户和几名前雇员,合谋通过欺诈性退款窃取数百万美元的在线产品。在周四向西雅图美国地方法院提起的诉讼中,这家在线零售商指控该名为 REKK 的组织在 2022 年 6 月至 2023 年 5 月期间实施欺诈行为。)
出处:The New Work Times,https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/business/amazon-refund-fraud-lawsuit.html l Insiders At Home Depot Sold US$4.0m In Stock, Alluding To Potential Weakness(家得宝内部人士出售 400 万美元库存,暗指潜在的疲软) The fact that multiple The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE:HD) insiders offloaded a considerable amount of shares over the past year could have raised some eyebrows amongst investors. When analyzing insider transactions, it is usually more valuable to know whether insiders are buying versus knowing if they are selling, as the latter sends an ambiguous message. However, when multiple insiders sell stock over a specific duration, shareholders should take notice as that could possibly be a red flag. (家得宝公司( The Home Depot, Inc., NYSE:HD ) 的多位内部人士在过去一年中抛售了大量股票,这一事实可能引起了投资者的一些关注。在分析内幕交易时,了解内部人士是否在买入比了解他们是否在卖出通常更有价值,因为后者会发出含糊的信息。然而,当多名内部人士在特定期限内出售股票时,股东应该注意,因为这可能是一个危险信号。) 出处:REUTERS,https://simplywall.st/stocks/us/retail/nyse-hd/home-depot/news/insiders-at-home-depot-sold-us40m-in-stock-alluding-to-poten
l US retail group retracts claim that half of $94.5bn inventory loss was from theft(美国零售集团撤回声称945亿美元库存损失中有一半是因盗窃造成的) The powerful National Retail Federation (NRF) lobbying group has retracted a claim that“organized retail crime” accounted for “nearly half” of theshopping industry's $94.5bn losses due to theft or “shrink”in 2021.The industry group had said the impact of organized retail crime, which it previously claimed had increased by 26.5%, had become increasingly violent. Retail giants like Target, Walmart and Walgreens said it was threatening their businesses. (强大的全国零售联合会(NRF) 游说团体撤回了一项指控,即“有组织的零售犯罪”占 2021 年购物业因盗窃或“缩水”造成的 945 亿美元损失的“近一半”。该行业组织表示,有组织零售犯罪的影响已变得越来越暴力,此前该组织声称有组织零售犯罪增加了 26.5%。塔吉特(Target)、沃尔玛(Walmart)和沃尔格林(Walgreens)等零售巨头表示,这正在威胁他们的业务。)
出处:TheGuardian,https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/07/retail-theft-losses-inventory-nrf |