WAYLI跨境早间新闻简讯:1月3日跨境热点话题集发表时间:2024-01-03 14:31 2023 年全球最有价值品牌榜单出炉:亚马逊拔得头筹 品牌方舟获悉,Brand Finance联合TradingPedia公布2023 年全球最有价值品牌榜单。其中,亚马逊以2992.8亿美元估值稳居榜首,苹果估值缩水16%至2975.1 亿美元,但依旧排名第二;谷歌以2813.8亿美元的估值排名第三,自2022年以来,谷歌市值增加了近180亿美元。
l 2023年,中国家电出口呈现出加速复苏的趋势 根据海关总署的数据,受圣诞购物季和去年同期较低基数的影响,2023年11月中国家电出口额同比增长13.4%,达到72.4亿美元。值得注意的是,这是中国家电连续第4个月出口增长。数据还显示,去年1至11月,中国家电出口额达到804.7亿美元,同比增长2.8%。海关总署在新闻发布会上表示,随着原材料价格和海运成本下降,中国家电出口预计将在2024年继续保持稳健增长。 出处:AMZ123,https://www.amz123.com/t/71UoThvL
l 亚马逊或将开设秘鲁站 近日,秘鲁经济和财政部长表示,亚马逊是有兴趣将业务扩展到秘鲁的公司之一,因为其最近向秘鲁提供了免费送货服务。在2023年11月举办的APEC论坛大会上,秘鲁经济和财政部还与亚马逊、沃尔玛、谷歌等多个行业的公司进行了两轮谈判。结果显示,沃尔玛和亚马逊有兴趣扩大在秘鲁的业务。 出处:电商报,https://www.dsb.cn/236282.html
l 2023年欧洲电商市场规模达8000多亿美元 (网经社讯)1月2日消息,尽管欧洲许多地区的经济和电商业务发展呈现出增长放缓甚至负增长的态势,但不少国家的快递运营商仍然做到了逆风崛起,交出了一张高分答卷,旺季包裹量再次创下了新纪录。 出处:网经社,http://www.100ec.cn/index/detail--6635218.html
l 2023年全球高端智能手机销量或创新纪录 【TechWeb】1月2日消息,据外媒报道,根据市场调查机构Counterpoint Research发布的最新报告,2023年,全球高端智能手机(批发价超过600美元)销量可能同比增长6%,创下新纪录。
l 亚马逊新政暴击:货件自动关闭时间大幅缩短,可能拒收不合规货件 元旦刚过,亚马逊便针对FBA进行了政策调整,不同于前段时间物流费用的变化,此次亚马逊大幅缩短了货件自动关闭时间,且可能会拒收不合规货件。本次政策的变更,对所有亚马逊卖家都会造成影响。 亚马逊在后台告知卖家,如果卖家的国内货件未在货件创建后的45天内送达,国际货件未在货件创建后的75天内送达,亚马逊将通知卖家的货件不符合政策,货件将自动关闭。 出处:雨果跨境,https://www.cifnews.com/article/153689 l Target bets big on items Walmart and Amazon can't sell(Target在沃尔玛和亚马逊无法销售的商品上投入巨资) Amazon made a big push into owned-and-operated clothing brands but struggled to make them as as successful as its Amazon Basics electronics offerings. That's likely because people are less willing to buy clothes that they can't see, touch, and try on.Target's edge, however, is not just in clothing where it has built distinct brands that differentiate its offerings from Walmart and Amazon. It also has created standout brands in household goods and groceries. (亚马逊大力进军自有和经营的服装品牌,但难以让这些品牌像其 Amazon Basics 电子产品一样成功。这可能是因为人们不太愿意购买看不到、摸不到和试穿的衣服。然而,塔吉特的优势不仅仅在于服装领域,它还建立了独特的品牌,使其产品与沃尔玛 (WMT)和亚马逊区分开来 。它还创建了家居用品和杂货领域的杰出品牌。)
l Walmart Taps Affirm for BNPL at Self-Checkout(沃尔玛在自助结账时确认BNPL) BNPL heavyweight Affirm ended 2023 announcing an expansion of a partnership with one of its major customers. The California-based company announced that Walmart will use its buy now, pay later (BNPL) technology at select self-checkout locations. (BNPL重量级公司 Affirm于 2023 年底宣布扩大与其主要客户之一的合作伙伴关系。这家总部位于加州的公司宣布,沃尔玛将在选定的自助结账地点使用其“先买后付”(BNPL) 技术。)
出处:Finovate,https://finovate.com/walmart-taps-affirm-for-bnpl-at-self-checkout/ l Returns abuse, fraud cost US retail sector $101bn in 2023(2023年,退货滥用和欺诈给美国零售业造成1010亿美元的损失) The report, which was produced in collaboration with software company Appriss Retail and paired its customers’ returns data for 60 of the US’s top 100 retailers with NRF survey responses, highlighted the percentage of abuse and fraud impacting total returns was 13.7% or $101bn last year.It noted that consumers are becoming more comfortable with new types of fraud and abuse, such as bracketing and wardrobing. Bracketing is when consumers buy multiple of the same or similar items, have them shipped, keep one, and return the rest. Wardrobing is when a shopper buys an expensive item, wears it, and then returns it and this accounted for 48.84% of return fraud in 2023. (该报告与软件公司Appriss Retail 合作制作,将美国 100 强零售商中 60 家的客户退货数据与 NRF 调查回复进行了对比,强调滥用和欺诈行为去年影响总退货的比例为 13.7%,即 1010 亿美元。它指出,消费者对新类型的欺诈和滥用行为越来越感到满意,例如包围和衣柜。包围是指消费者购买多件相同或相似的商品,将其发货,保留一件,然后退回其余商品。穿衣是指购物者购买昂贵的商品,穿着它,然后退货,这占 2023 年退货欺诈的 48.84%。)
出处:Just Style,https://www.just-style.com/news/returns-abuse-fraud-cost-us-retail-sector-101bn-in-2023/?cf-view
l FTAs spur China's trade, partners' economies(自贸协定刺激中国贸易和伙伴经济) The expansion of China's free trade agreements with multiple countries will enhance the competitiveness of its products globally and facilitate its companies' entry into more markets this year, said analysts and exporters on Tuesday.China had signed 22 FTAs with 29 countries and regions, covering Asia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Europe by the end of 2023. The country's trade with these free trade partners accounts for one-third of its total foreign trade, said the Ministry of Commerce. (分析师和出口商周二表示,中国与多个国家扩大自由贸易协定将增强中国产品的全球竞争力,并促进中国企业今年进入更多市场。截至2023年底,中国已与29个国家和地区签署22个自贸协定,覆盖亚洲、大洋洲、拉美、非洲、欧洲等。中国与这些自贸伙伴的贸易额占中国对外贸易总额的三分之一。)
出处:CHINADAILY,https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202401/03/WS6594b4fca3105f21a507a403.html |